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The Reign of Mary

No. 171: Letter from the Editor

February 11, 2019
Our Lady of Lourdes

Dear Friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. At the beginning of a New Year, it is only natural to wonder what this year will bring. If the past few decades provide any key, we can be sure that for faithful Catholics, it will be another year of fighting the good fight, seeking to spread the faith to others, and praying for God’s mercy and grace that we might persevere. From the side of the Conciliar Church it will likely be another year of heresy, scandal, and loss of faith. From the standpoint of society, it will surely be another year in which moral decadence progresses apace — barring a chastisement from God, which seems to be the only means that would lead the vast majority of men to amend their lives.

On a personal note, this will be an exciting year in which, God-willing, we finish the extensive remodel of our parish church. As you know, I have the privilege of being the pastor at the original church of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, located in northern Idaho. This church is unique for several reasons: not only was it our very first church, it was built by our own men rather than by outside contractors, and it is named to honor Our Lady’s Queenship, our Congregation’s title. But the original church was in need of extensive remodeling, especially to raise the roof, add a choir loft and extend the basement, which is used as our parish hall.

So last June we moved all the pews and statues from the church, setting up a temporary chapel in our gymnasium. The men then set to work in demolishing the original roof and walls over the nave. The excavators prepared for the pouring of the new foundation under the entryway of the church, and once the footings and basement walls had been poured, the work of construction began. We are currently in the final phases of the work: flooring, trim, railings, light fixtures, etc. We hope to be back in the church at least by Easter, and we look forward to the formal dedication and blessing by His Excellency when his schedule allows.

This work is similar to what has been done in all our parishes and missions — the priest and  faithful work and sacrifice to procure and decorate a fitting house for God. In the Old Testament we read that David was disturbed that he dwelt in a nice house, but God did not have a proper dwelling. We also read how his son Solomon finally completed the beautiful temple and how God was pleased to dwell there. Likewise, despite our lack of means, we faithful Catholics seek to provide the most beautiful churches possible for Our Lord — for Mass to be offered and for Jesus to dwell in the Blessed Sacrament. Contrast this Catholic sentiment with the plain (and even ugly) churches that have been constructed (or remodeled) since the drastic changes of Vatican II. This is just one more proof that the Conciliar Church is a new church, and certainly not the Catholic Church of the ages. Let us always seek to put God first, especially in the buildings that we provide for His home on earth.

In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Email)

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