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The Reign of Mary

Vol. XLVI, No. 158: Letter from the Editor

July 9, 2015
St. Maria Goretti

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Although our second issue of the magazine for this year is being printed much later than we had hoped, the delay does provide us the opportunity to comment on recent events will next come from the pen and mouth of the leader of the Conciliar Church!

What is one to make of this? In the editorial for this issue, I share some reflections on the encyclical. This reminds me of Bergoglio’s comment in May, when asked in an interview how he would like to be remembered after he is gone. His reply was that he hoped he would be remembered as a “good guy.” Yes, those were his words. Nothing was mentioned about wanting to be remembered as one who sought to save souls, to promote the true worship of God, to defend the Faith, etc. Just to be remembered as a good guy.

Those two words, however, tell a great deal. They show how far this modern institution, which still goes by the name “Catholic” has departed from true Catholicism. Indeed, it has become a religion of Man. Secular humanism seeps from every document and sermon. Paul VI and John Paul II in particular were known for often speaking of “Modern Man.” Their ignominious predecessors have adhered to the same gospel, one that merely emphasizes the human condition, rather than the salvation of the soul.

In the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, however, we continue to work for souls. Recently, our religious Sisters enjoyed a quiet retreat, followed by a beautiful vows ceremony. New brides of Christ gave their lives to Him, dedicating themselves to working for the salvation of souls. Also, we have recently acquired new churches in Maine and New Hampshire. Yes, the priests, Brothers and Sisters of CMRI are dedicated to saving souls. And that is how we hope to be known and remembered.

In just three short months we will hold our annual Fatima Conference. If you have never attended one of these meetings, we encourage you to do so, if possible. You will find it a tremendous boost in the daily struggle to practice your faith in this age of apostasy. May Our Lady of Fatima intercede for each of us and obtain for us the grace of final perseverance in the true Faith.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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