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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 173, Summer 2019

° Letter from the Editor
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

When Teachers Become the Taught
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Scarecrows, of course, are designed to look like humans in order to frighten birds who might eat growing plants or recently-sown seeds. But they are not humans because they have no soul, no life. They are empty suits of clothing designed to resemble humans. In much the same way the Novus Ordo or Conciliar Church is an empty set of clothes. It is designed to look like the real thing — the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ — but it is not that which it claims to represent. It is empty, soulless. This vacuity is daily becoming more evident to any honest witness....

The Errors of Athanasius Schneider
Reprinted with the author’s permission from
by Rev. Fr. Anthony Cekada
Six years’ worth of the antics of Jorge Mario Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) have left a lot of previously clueless Catholics really shaken. The radical and destructive nature of the Vatican II doctrinal and moral revolution, kept discreetly masked to a large extent under the regimes of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, finally emerged into the light of day once Bergoglio took charge in March of 2013 and began to implement the Council at full speed and with a vengeance (often literally)....

Letter to the Clergy of Bac Ninh Diocese, Vietnam
by Joseph Paul Hau Pham
My dear fellow “clergy,”
In the past six years, I have studied and rediscovered extensively and systematically the deposit of Catholic faith along with the dogmatic and infallible teachings of the Church. After having prayed and placed my conscience before God, it is time for me to publicly speak out my convictions and the direction of my vocation.
• Based on the promise of Jesus Christ to Peter: thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). That “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” means that the Church will never be conquered by the disputations and falsehood of the heretics (Denzinger, 351)...

Our Catholic Heritage
The Influence of the Catholic Faith Throughout History (Part 2)
A Lecture Given at the 2018 Fatima Conference by Martin Hughes, Ph.D.
As I said, recent efforts of anti-Catholic activists to remove any semblance of Catholicism from our nation’s history is just complete, wanton ignorance. These attacks on the symbols of Catholicism are attacks on Western civilization itself. This animosity is aimed at the very thing that has benefited us the most, the Christian foundations of our society. This is a classic example of someone who would “cut off their nose to spite their face.̶l;....

Respice Stellam: Voca Mariam
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Rev. Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI
The Church has not defined as dogma that Our Lady actually died. Thus, the Eastern Catholic Church calls the feast of the Assumption the “Falling Asleep of the All Holy Mother of God.” As we read of Our Lady’s passing from this life let us bear in mind that where the word “death” is used it is not to be taken as necessarily meaning physical death. Rather, it must be taken as meaning the passing from this life. Whether Our Lady passed from this life by a peaceful death or simply a manner of falling asleep has not been decided by the Church....

American Heroes of the Faith: The Faith Spreads on the Frontier
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
From humble beginnings the Catholic Church in America grew quickly. Following the Revolutionary War, immigrants began entering the new country in large numbers, including many Catholics. We have seen that by a decree of 1808, Pope Pius VII added four new bishoprics to the young country, to accommodate the growing number of Catholics: New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Bardstown. The first three cities were logical choices, but Bardstown, Kentucky? Let us examine the background of this appointment, which demonstrates the rapid spread of the Church in our land....

The Gift of the Religious Vocation
by the Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI
I would like to most sincerely congratulate all the Sisters in their advancement in the religious life, especially our Sister celebrating her 25th anniversary of religious vows. It is a very special event to have faithfully served Our Lord for such a long time. I congratulate also those Sisters who are professing their final vows. This is a very important event in your life....

Servus Mariae: Life as a Spiritual Combat
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
The desire for our love was one of the reasons the Son of God not only became man, but chose to live a life of suffering and then die upon the Cross for our redemption. He knew how difficult it is for us to form an idea of God, as God, and of His attributes, how hard to keep such an idea before our minds, how difficult, again, to love with affection a Supreme Being we cannot see. The effort to do so is like trying to speak a foreign language we haven’t studied....

Spiritual Aids for Confraternity Members for the months of October, November and December

World Watch (short news stories compiled by The Reign of Mary staff):
Francis Gives Relics of St. Peter to Orthodox
Novel “Eucharistic” Procession in Poland
Novus Ordo Baptismal Certificate Names Mother 1 and Mother 2
Brazil’s President Consecrates His Country to Our Lady
The Death of Vincent Lambert and the Silence of “Pope” Francis
Jesuit Prep School under Fire from Diocese
Italian Town to Issue Blasphemy Fines
Francis Honors Abortion Advocate
Conservative Priest Excommunicated
Many Parishioners Refuse to Donate to Peter’s Pence
Church Turned into Skateboard Park
Vigano Speaks Again