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The Reign of Mary

No. 170: Letter from the Editor

November 21, 2018
Presentation of Our Lady

Dear Friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Those who follow the news regarding the Conciliar Church are familiar with the drama lately unleashed by “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Vigano, former apostolic delegate to the United States. In late August he released an open letter to “Pope” Francis, in which he decried the homosexuality and sexual abuse of youth that are prevalent among so many of the Modernist clergy. In particular, he accused Francis of promoting the evil by removing sanctions against the notorious Cardinal McCarrick, and he even went so far as to denounce Francis and suggest that he ought to resign. Then… Vigano went into hiding — but he has not been silent.

Since that first bombshell there have been, as of this writing, two more open letters penned by the same author, who continues to stand by his accusations and statements. In the most recent letter (October 19), Vigano doubled-down on his accusation against Francis saying that “Pope Francis himself has either colluded in this corruption, or, knowing what he does, is gravely negligent in failing to oppose it and uproot it.” He also states that “it is dismaying that, amid all the scandals and indignation, so little thought should be given to those damaged by the sexual predations of those commissioned as ministers of the gospel… This is about souls.”

Vigano lays the blame squarely on the perversion that has entered the clerical ranks since Vatican II: “It is no exaggeration to say that homosexuality has become a plague in the clergy, and it can only be eradicated with spiritual weapons. It is an enormous hypocrisy to condemn the abuse, claim to weep for the victims, and yet refuse to denounce the root cause of so much sexual abuse: homosexuality.” Vigano clearly hits the nail on the head!

What particularly caught my eye, however, was the statement that he had chosen to publicly expose this corruption because: “I am an old man, one who knows he must soon give an accounting to the Judge for his actions and omissions, one who fears Him Who can cast body and soul into hell. A Judge Who, even in his infinite mercy, will render to every person salvation or damnation according to what he has deserved… I believe that my continued silence would put many souls at risk, and would certainly damn my own.”

This is truly amazing, for Vigano is showing that he thinks — on this matter at least — as a Catholic would think. He fears the judgment his silence would reap; he fears for his salvation. These statements indicate that there are some, at least, of the clergy in the Conciliar Church who still believe in basic Catholic doctrine regarding eternity and the Four Last Things. We must pray for them, that they will have the grace to fully recognize Vatican II and the Novus Ordo for what they are and flee this false church, which is certainly not the Catholic Church, despite its claim to be so. We can summarize Vigano’s fears into one succinct phrase: the fear of God. This holy fear is often recommended in Sacred Scripture. We have all heard the quote: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs, 9:10). Another oft-quoted verse (from psalm 127) is “Blessed are all they that fear the Lord; that walk in His ways.” But there
are hundreds, even thousands of other quotations that could be adduced. Suffice it to say that the fear of the Lord is proverbial in the lives of the saints but utterly absent from the preaching of the Conciliar heretics. May we always retain this holy fear, which is a gift of the Holy Ghost, and may it lead us to live holy lives and secure our salvation

In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Email)

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