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The Reign of Mary No. 166

Vol. XLVIII, No. 166: Letter from the Editor

November 27, 2017
Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. What a wonderful Fatima Conference! It was the best ever attended, and the Masses, lectures, procession, etc., were uniquely memorable, to say the least. As we now prepare for Christmas and close out this anniversary year of 2017, let us continue to reflect on Our Lady’s message and conscientiously live it.

Yet, while we rejoice in the graces granted through the hands of Our Blessed Mother to her children, there are others who have celebrated far different anniversaries this year. It was in October, 1917, that the Communism revolt took place in Russia, leading to the enslavement of hundreds of millions, to death and suffering wherever the errors of Communism spread. (“Russia will spread her errors throughout the world,” Our Lady said.) Let us not forget that the spread of the evil doctrines of Marxism, so often condemned by the Church, was the result of sin. “Men must amend their lives”!

A different kind of anniversary is also being celebrated this year, as Protestants rejoice in Martin Luther’s rebellion against the Catholic Church. His open rebellion against Church authority began on October 31, 1517, the day on which Luther nailed his 95 theses (or objections) to the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany. This act of defiance eventually led to the excommunication of the impenitent monk in 1520.

It would be impossible to fully comprehend the evil caused by Martin Luther with his heretical tenets. Inspired by his rebellion, mobs sacked and burned churches, rebelled against the rulers and, in general, caused chaos and bloodshed throughout Europe. As Protestant historians would have it, Luther was merely asking for his “right” to hold to his opinion, and was protesting against a corrupt hierarchy. It is true that laxity of morals prevailed among many Catholics, both clergy and laity, but this was properly addressed at the Council of Trent. Luther himself, on the other hand, caused far greater moral degradation with his novel teaching that “faith alone” saves a person.

In our lead article of this issue we explore the life and teachings of Martin Luther and seek to understand his errors in order to better answer Protestant objections. Such an inquiry should cause us to come away with an ever greater appreciation of our holy Catholic Faith. For the Catholic Church, founded by the Incarnate Son of God, is the pillar of truth — the ark of salvation, outside with there is only error, confusion, futility, sin and damnation. May God grant that we persevere unto our dying breath in the fervent practice of our holy Catholic faith!

Finally, let us all pray for the ordinands who will receive orders at the coming ordination ceremony in Omaha (December 12). We desperately need more priests today, but we especially need holy priests, who are dedicated to their vocation and to the salvation of souls. Let us all pray for that intention.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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