Return to The Reign of Mary No. 156

The Reign of Mary

Vol. XLV, No. 156: Letter from the Editor

November 21, 2014
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Last month a large gathering of the faithful here at Mount Saint Michael enjoyed our annual Fatima Conference. One topic that came up several times in the various lectures was the contradictory position of the “Recognize and Resist” crowd. (By this term we refer to those who “recognize” Francis as a valid pope, but refuse to obey him, “resisting” his laws, teachings, policies and decisions.) The incongruity of such a theological position becomes more and more apparent with each passing day. Its adherents continue to attempt to walk an ever-narrowing tightrope.

The past month brought forth more incredible utterances from the man who claims to be Christ’s vicar on earth — statements that border on blasphemy. “God is not a magician” (trivializing His omnipotence) and “God is not afraid of new things” (afraid? — what an absurd word to use) are just two examples of unconscionable statements. “We are making every effort to adapt ways and methods … to the changing conditions of society,” he stated at the conclusion of the Synod on the Family. But the Church does not adapt to modern society! The Catholic Church, founded by the eternal Son of God, teaches man how to live — not the other way around.

Then there was the “beatification” of Paul VI on October 19. That this man, who promulgated Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Missae, would even be considered for sainthood indicates how far the Conciliar hierarchy has strayed from even basic Catholic concepts. One gets the impression that it is all a charade — that the Novus Ordo bishops, with few exceptions, don’t even believe in the Catholic religion. As for us, dear friends, may we be forever grateful for the knowledge and understanding that God has given us. Above all, let us put our Faith into practice! In November we call to mind the poor suffering souls in Purgatory. Let us pray for them, not only during November, but every month and day of the year. Compassion for the faithful departed is a sign of Catholic orthodoxy and true piety.

Finally, we urge you to prepare well for the celebration of Christ’s birth by spending the season of Advent in a holy manner. Avoid the spirit of the world always, but especially during this time of year. By spending extra time in prayer and spiritual reading and by restricting our recreations, we will prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ Child. May Jesus, through His divine Mother Mary, take up His abode in your heart, never to leave!

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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