Return to The Reign of Mary No. 154

The Reign of Mary

Vol. XLV, No. 154: Letter from the Editor

May 31, 2014
Queenship BVM

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The news of the Vatican II Church continues to demonstrate the loss of faith among its adherents. I will not comment on the “canonization” of two of the foremost heretics who gave this new religion to the world, along with all its devastating consequences. Enough has been said and written about the tragedy which took place on April 27. (For those who would like to read more, we refer you to an excellent article posted on Novus Ordo Watch.

There have been various surveys taken over the years, which indicate the change of thinking among “Catholics” since Vatican II, especially in the area of the Church’s perennial teachings on morality. Recently, a questionnaire was distributed to Church members around the world, for the purpose of obtaining data on the theme of the forthcoming synod in Rome, which is on the family. The results of the responses to the 39 questions were to remain confidential, but some bishops, especially in Germany, Austria and Switzerland leaked the embarrassing information to the press.

Once again, the results demonstrate that very many who claim to adhere to the Catholic Faith are not in any sense Catholics. They have adopted a new religion with permissive views on sexual morality. How can this be? It is entirely due to the teachings of Vatican II, which “watered down” the traditional teachings of the Church. (For an interesting article on this topic, click this link). Once again, these details remind us of the only logical conclusion — that of the vacancy of the Roman See — as Bishop Sanborn so well explains in our lead feature article.

Let us now turn our attention from these distasteful topics to one that warms the hearts of all true Catholics — devotion to the holy Mother of God. Mary is truly our life, our sweetness and our hope, as we pray in that beautiful ancient hymn, the Hail Holy Queen. Let us honor our loving Mother, not only during the beautiful month of May, but rather every day of our lives. For remember, it is she who crushes the head of the serpent, as the Church sings in the office of her feast: “Thou alone, O Mary, hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world” (7th antiphon at Matins, Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

Our annual Fatima Conference will be held this year October 8-12. We hope to see many of you there. A flyer will soon be distributed with details of the upcoming Conference. (You can also read the details here on our website. May God bless you all with a true devotion to Mary, so indispensable for our perseverance in this age of apostasy.

May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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