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The Reign of Mary

Vol. XLIII, No. 150: Letter from the Editor

May 13, 2013
St. Robert Bellarmine
Our Lady of Fatima

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. All true children of Mary rejoice at the annual return of her month, during which we decorate her shrines, pray to her and sing treasured hymns in her honor. These devotional practices flow from a heart that loves its mother. Let us not be remiss in giving to Our Lady the tribute of our devotion!

During the month of May we also celebrate the feastdays of great saints, whose lives serve as a beacon for our own times. May 5th was the feast of that intrepid Dominican pope, St. Pius V, who had the foresight to insist that the Mass, as he had codified it, must never in the future be changed. Perhaps he was favored with a prophetic glimpse into the evils of our time, with its sacrilegious, man-centered worship known as the Novus Ordo Missae.

We also observe this month, on the day of Our Lady’s first apparition at Fatima, the feast of a great doctor of the Church, who is the foremost scholar on the papacy. St. Robert Bellarmine clearly tells us that a heretical pope cannot be a true pope. Such a heretic, were he ever a pope at all, would certainly lose the papacy once he became a manifest heretic. This teaching is logical and clear, yet so many otherwise staunch conservatives seem incapable or perhaps unwilling to acknowledge the logic of this teaching. It is for this reason that we must continue to explain and reiterate the only logical conclusion for one who recognizes the evils promoted since Vatican II — and that is that the men leading this new church cannot be true popes, just as their church cannot be the Catholic Church.

Of course, the same now applies to “Pope Francis.” He may charm many by his down-to-earth folksy style, but the same heresy is being promoted, and even moreso. Last month in a sermon he excoriated those who wish to “turn back the clock” — meaning the traditionalists. He even went so far as to say that traditional Catholics are resisting the Holy Ghost, comparing us to the hard-hearted Pharisees condemned by St. Stephen. So traditional-minded souls must have no illusions. Perhaps this man will help the conservative members of the Conciliar Church to finally recognize that the sedevacantist position is the only tenable position for us today — or at the very least, that it is a permissible theological conclusion.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage your attendance at our annual Fatima Conference, which will occur on October 9-13. This year’s theme, “The hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to your supplications,” is taken from the words of the Angel of Portugal to the three shepherd children at Fatima. They remind us of the tremendous need for reparation. Let us continue to live as faithful Catholics, offering our prayers and penances to atone for the many sins by which God is offended, and to call down his grace and mercy upon mankind. For, as Our Lady said, “So many souls go to hell because there is no one to pray and sacrifice for them.”

May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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