Return to The Reign of Mary No. 149

The Reign of Mary

Vol. XLIII, No. 149: Letter from the Editor

March 7, 2013
St. Thomas Aquinas

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The surprise resignation of his claim to the papacy by Benedict XVI last month has been much in the news. Inevitably, this event has led to the question: What is his legacy? In this issue we examine this question in a summary fashion and also take a look at several of his statements from the past few months, which make it clear that this supposed conservative “pope” is in reality a died-in-the-wool modernist.

It is indeed surprising that so many consider him to be an ultra-conservative. Just because he likes to wear, at least on occasion, traditional vestments does not change his modernist mind and heart. Benedict XVI, who was one of the architects of Vatican II, has never disavowed that disastrous council. In fact, he blames the horrendous results of its teachings on a misinterpretation, rather than on the heretical documents themselves. History, however, will judge him and his council differently.

As of this writing, we do not yet know whom the cardinals will choose as his successor. Yet one thing is clear — we cannot expect a true Catholic pope to come out of the conclave. The effort on the part of some would-be traditionalists to pray that the cardinals will choose the right man is incredibly naïve. These “recognize but resist” proponents just don’t get it — namely, that this Conciliar Church is a new church, a different church, and certainly not the Catholic Church. Their novenas for the “success of the conclave” would be like us asking for prayers for the success of a convention of the Missouri Synod of the Lutherans. Rather, we should pray that these cardinals and the other members of the hierarchy of the Conciliar Church will repent, renounce modernism, completely disavow Vatican II and the new Mass, and return to the Catholic Faith.

Unfortunately, however, these men who have dedicated their lives to the implementation of the new religion of Vatican II are not about to turn back the clock. To do so would not only take true Catholic thinking (which they lack), but it would also require an enormous dose of humility, to admit and recant their heresy and all they have worked for in the past 40+ years.

While we can only expect more of the same out of the Vatican, this does not mean that we have lost hope in Christ’s promise to be with His Church until the end of time. For our part, we must pray and do penance, that the triumph of His Church — and the simultaneous Reign of Mary — will soon come. Let us never forget Our Lady’s promise: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

May God bless you all.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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