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The Reign of Mary

Vol. XLI, No. 135: Letter from the Editor

July 22, 2009
St. Mary Magdalen

Dear Friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. The new encyclical letter of Benedict XVI Caritas in Veritate has been much in the news, since its release earlier this month. What is most amazing about this encyclical is that it not only endorses the United Nations, but asks that this godless institution become even more powerful, that it “acquire real teeth” (as though it hasn’t done enough damage already in the world!) One is here reminded of the love affair between the false popes of Vatican II and the United Nations.

Paul VI was the first Conciliar pope to make a “pilgrimage” to the United Nations, where he declared that the UN is the last hope for mankind. His visit was followed by those of John Paul II and, more recently, of Benedict XVI. Did any of these men rebuke the UN for its godless promotion of abortion and contraception? (Note the article in this issue’s “World in Review” section about how the UN is trying to force Nicaragua to repeal its anti-abortion law.) Did they demand that the occult UN meditation room be destroyed before they would set foot in that building in New York City? Did they decry the rampant corruption in the UN? Did they promote in their visit to the UN the social reign of Christ the King?

One interesting thing I noted in this lengthy encyclical on economics and social order was that, in the 159 footnotes, there were only two citations of pre-Vatican II (and therefore true) popes: Pope Leo XIII and Pope Pius XI. Yet even then the footnotes mentioning Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno (two brilliant masterpieces), were followed by references to John Paul II, within the same footnote — as though Benedict XVI just could not allow references to these two popes to stand by themselves. There was one brief reference to St. Augustine, one to St. Thomas, and one to a 1952 book which quoted a pre-Christian philosopher. All other references were to Vatican II, Paul VI, John Paul II and his own (Benedict XVI’s) previous addresses. Amazing! What else is this if not a public and clear avowal that the Conciliar Church has broken with the past. The brief, token mention of two pre-Vatican II documents does not hide the fact that the modernists of the Vatican II Church have severed ties with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

Finally, let us turn our attention to the many wonderful saints which the Church places before our eyes during this month of July, among whom is the penitent St. Mary Magdalen. Our Lord said of her, “Many sins are forgiven her, because she has loved much.” St. Mary Magdalen reminds us that true love of God is what makes us pleasing to Him. This great saint merited, despite her past sins, to be the first to see Our Lord after His resurrection. She then went to tell the apostles the wonderful news, thus becoming an “apostle to the apostles.” May we imitate her deep love for Our Lord, rejecting sin and amending our lives, as Our Lady requested at Fatima.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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