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The Reign of Mary

Vol. XL, No. 133: Letter from the Editor

February 10, 2009
St. Scholastica

Dear Friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. In our recent celebration of the Christmas season, we rejoiced in again recalling the birth in time of the Son of God made man. There is one gruesomely tragic part of the Christmas story, however, and that is the cruel murder of the Holy Innocents, wrought by Herod’s soldiers at his command. As much as we are horrified at this senseless slaughter, there is a yet more heinous crime perpetrated in America today.

Of course, we are referring to the slaughter of the unborn innocents, in the very wombs of their mothers. Every January we are painfully reminded of that travesty of justice, referred to as Roe v. Wade. This ruling has led to well over a million deaths per year since then. Now we see the recently-inaugurated president wasting no time to confirm our worst fears of his pro-death stance. Within 5 minutes of the inauguration, the White House web site was changed to demonstrate this pro-abortion position. That was followed by an executive order expanding funding for abortion, and he has also promised to sign FOCA, if it should be passed by the Congress.

There is, however, another reflection on the sad history of abortion in the United States from 1973 until the present. This has to do with the culpable omission of the Conciliar bishops of this country and of other countries throughout the world. Indeed, we do not need to read theological arguments for concluding that these men are hirelings, rather than true shepherds. Their actions (or lack thereof) speak louder than words. For if the hierarchy had come out in united force, strongly opposing abortion in those early days, this murderous industry could have been shuttered. Imagine the scenario in which the bishops had rallied the millions of Catholics around this country to make use of Catholic Action to oppose by every lawful means the heinous crime of abortion!

Yet what do we see? Contrary to a vociferous opposition, there is the paltry occasional lip service of disapproval. Meanwhile, the pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians continue to receive communion with impunity, parishioners continue to flout Church teaching, and pro-life priests and laity are admonished or shunned. You may have read the case of the priest who, after the election, told his parishioners that, if they had voted for Obama, they must go to confession before receiving communion. He was admonished and his actions disowned by his superior. Such is the regular treatment of pro-life clergy and laity.

In our catechism we learned about the sin of omission — failing to fulfill an obligation. While these conciliar bishops would tell you that they detest abortion, what action from them do you see? Little, if anything. This sadly calls to mind the words of the prophet Ezechiel: “Woe to the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and see nothing! You have not gone up to face the enemy, nor have you set up a wall for the house of Israel, to stand in battle in the day of the Lord” (13: 3, 5). A great responsibility lies on the shoulders of those in positions of authority. They have much to answer for. What a fearful judgment awaits a hireling, who must answer for the loss of so many souls.

And what of our country? Make no mistake, for the Lord will not be patient forever with such iniquity: “The time is come, the day of slaughter is near, and not of the joy of mountains. Now very shortly I will pour out my wrath upon thee and I will accomplish my anger in thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and I will lay upon thee all thy crimes. And my eye shall not spare, neither will I show mercy… And you shall know that I am the Lord that strike” (Ezechiel 7: 7-9).

Let us pray for God’s mercy upon this world and — as Our Lady asked at Fatima — for the conversion of sinners. While we have time, let us work for the salvation of souls. But above all, stay far from those false shepherds who do not feed their flocks with the doctrine of truth and who expose the souls of their followers to the wolves seeking their destruction. And finally, let us resolve to pass the blessed time of Lent in a holy manner, in union with our Sorrowful Mother.
In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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