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The Reign of Mary

Vol. XXXVIII, No. 131: Letter from the Editor

September 15, 2008
Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friends,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This year of 2008 reminds me of various anniversaries which have significance for faithful Catholics. Our first feature article mentions some events of 30 years ago, particularly the deaths of Paul VI and John Paul I. Many of our readers may never have read the details which we present concerning these two men.

Turning our attention to the previous decade, we find the year 1968 to be no less significant for us. For truly that was the year in which the full impact of the changes of Vatican II were felt. The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with the subsequent riots in American cities, followed by the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, rocked the nation. The Vietnam War was at its height. But what for us is of the greatest import, was the utter exodus of priests and nuns from a life of consecration which seemed to peak in that year.

This rejection of a life of consecration to God by so many, a thoroughly rotten fruit of Vatican Council II, was typified in 1968 by the open rebellion of American priests and theologians to the Church teaching condemning contraception. These priests had well learned the lesson of “freedom of conscience” which came along with Vatican II. Newspapers published declarations of American priests openly rejecting Church teaching. Our society has never been the same since.

Finally, we can go back another decade, to a no less significant event, for in 1958 the great pontiff, Pope Pius XII passed on to his reward. Much maligned and even more misunderstood, this man stood as a dike against the flood of Modernism for many years. Pius XII is the last pope to whom we can look and say that he truly was a successor of Saint Peter. Our next issue will be dedicated to a review of the life, accomplishments and spirituality of this man of God. May Our Lord mercifully send us soon another pope of his mettle to guide the remnant Church.

Turning our attention from the past to the present, we find that Holy Mother Church continues to be grossly misrepresented today. Recently Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, stated in an interview that she is an “ardent” Catholic and has studied the issue of Church teaching on the beginning of human life. She continues to support abortion and continues to receive “communion,” as do so many other ostensibly Catholic politicians. While there are a few members of the Conciliar hierarchy who occasionally speak out against these monstrous statements, it remains business as usual: the liberal politicians continue to promote abortion and “gay” rights, and they continue to receive “communion.” But God will not be mocked forever, and when His vengeance strikes, it will be terrible. May God have mercy on our native land and upon this world.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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